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The importance of removing makeup every night

To remove makeup or not to remove makeup? a debate that many nights we have, either due to fatigue or simple laziness. We know the answer that we should always remove our makeup, but what are the consequences of not doing it?

Facial care is a daily routine that must be constant to see results. Many times the effect of a serum or cream can only be seen after about 4 or 6 months of constant daily use. You must cultivate patience and dedication, not expect quick or immediate results because this will not happen (unless you resort to injectable methods or lasers).

You must define your routine according to your skin type, specific care you want/need and the time you have to dedicate to this. The most basic thing is to clean morning and night and apply sun protection in the morning and a nourishing and repairing cream at night.

If you want healthy skin, you must remove make-up

Not removing make-up can have multiple consequences and not only aesthetic ones. Let's look at some of the more common ones:

Dull and aged-looking skin

Leaving makeup on all night hinders the cell renewal of the skin that takes place while we sleep and replaces dead cells with new cells.

Chapped lips

Falling asleep with any type of makeup on our lips will make them dry, causing even cracking. Remember that the skin on our lips is much thinner than the rest of our body and has almost no hydrolipidic film, making it more prone to dehydration.

Weak eyelashes

Not removing mascara makes our lashes more likely to break and fall out. In addition, by leaving the mask, we will not be able to use the product with which we must moisturize them daily.

Irritation on your skin

Makeup products are not made to spend 24 hours on your skin, especially if your skin has some kind of pathology or is very reactive.

More blackheads, pimples and comedones

By not having a cleanse, the pores become clogged more easily, leading to the appearance of impurities on your skin.

Make-up removal, step by step

Always start with the eyes

If you use a specific product for that area, the process will be faster. Remember not to rub them hard, as it is detrimental to the health of your eyes. The correct thing is that you put the product on a cotton pad and leave it on your eyes for a few seconds and then gently drag until all the makeup is removed.

Use lukewarm water

Neither extremely hot nor extremely cold water should be used. The first because it will dry out your skin and the second because cold water may not remove all residues from your skin, especially the oily type.

Don't forget about the neck

The skin of the neck is thinner than that of our face and it is where the signs of aging are seen faster. Remember to clean and moisturize this area daily. You can use specific products or apply the same ones you have for the rest of your face.

To complement your daily make-up removal routine and keep your skin glowing, you should cleanse your face as regularly as your skin requires. At Touched by an Angel Beauty School and Salons, you will find deep facial cleansing services, carried out with professional products and by expert cosmetologists.

On our website, you will find an extensive catalog of beauty and wellness services. We arrive at your house with all the biosecurity protocols so that your experience is completely safe.

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